The cuticle is a layer of clear skin found along the nail beds of your fingers and toes. It plays an important part as the cuticle creates a barrier against bacteria. Unfortunately, cuticles are delicate and can become damaged. Flaking, cracking, and peeling are some signs of dry cuticles. You’ll want to treat these immediately to prevent the risk of infection.
3 Ways to Treat Damaged and Dry Cuticles
There are plenty of ways to treat cracked and damaged cuticles. , Commercial cuticle oils and creams are some of them. But there are also quick and simple home remedies you can do to keep your cuticles soft and healthy.
Skip the Manicure
Ever wonder why your cuticle area hurts after getting a manicure or pedicure? That’s because cutting cuticles may end up doing more harm than good.
While getting a manicure is a great treat, it doesn’t have to be a regular thing. For cuticle treatment, get yourself a wooden cuticle tool to take care of your dry cuticles at home. Glide the tool along the base of your nail then scrape away any dry skin left.
Use Natural Oils to Replenish Moisture
Natural oils are effective skin and hair care treatments for their moisturizing properties. Check your pantry for the likes of coconut oil and olive oil, or you can go grab mineral oil from your local store.
The best time to treat dry cuticles using oils is right after taking a hot shower. The steam opens your pores and allows for better absorption. Take a few drops of your preferred oil and massage it into the cuticle bed. Leave on for 10 minutes and wipe the excess oil when you’re done.
Gentle Exfoliation
Like the rest of the skin on your body, cuticles need exfoliation too. Avoid further damage by staying away from exfoliants that have harsh and drying chemicals. Instead, take some natural oil and mix some sugar for a homemade cuticle scrub. With circular motions, massage the scrub into the cuticle bed for 30 seconds and rinse off.
For best results, apply aloe vera as it helps treat cracked skin, scrapes, cuts, and infections.
What other treatments have you tried to take care of your dry cuticles?
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